
MBBS (Singapore), MRCS (Edin), M MED(Surgery), FRCS (Edin), FAMS

李玮萍是一名乳腺外科的资深顾问医生,她擅长治疗良性与恶性乳腺疾病。在加入暄晖之前,她是樟宜综合医院 (CGH) 的资深顾问和兼职助理教授,于2014年完成普外高阶专业培训后升任该职位。她致力于为患有乳腺疾病的女士提供个性化的综合护理,并大力倡导将美容整形与手术治疗相结合。





李医生获得了众多服务嘉奖,其中包括东方健康联盟服务奖 (2012) 、新加坡保健集团10年长期服务奖 (2017) 、新加坡健康质量服务银奖 (2018) 和新加坡健康质量金奖 (2020) 。最近,她参加了2021年樟宜综合医院的改进节日,她为乳腺癌患者制作术后手册和工具包所做的努力得到了认可。


除临床工作外,您会发现李医生热衷于研究帮助乳腺患者改善生活质量的方法。时至今日,她一如既往积极参与发表临床研究结果,并且还是各种国际期刊的定期审稿人。她正在进行的一些研究包括了解在樟宜综合医院治疗后乳腺癌相关的淋巴水肿患病率及其对生活质量的影响;评估对比增强超声作为复杂乳腺囊肿预测诊断工作的作用;探讨导管原位癌 (DCIS) 对浸润性乳腺癌生存结果的影响等等。她最近的兴趣是探索代谢综合征对乳腺癌患者及预后的作用和影响。


Primary breast lymphoma: A Single-Centre Experience Cancer Reports. 2:e1140 (2019)
Foo Mang Yik, Lee Wai Peng, Jaime Seah Chin Mui, Carmen Kam Jia Wen, Tan Su-Ming

Intracystic papillary breast carcinoma in a male patient: a case report and review of literature SCR Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 11, 1–4 (2018)
Chi Wei Mok, Wai Peng Lee, Weng Leong Victor Ng, Su-Ming Tan

Clinical utility of tumour marker velocity of cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) and carcinoembryoniantigen (CEA) in breast cancer surveillance Breast, 52:95-101 (2020)
Jun Xian Hing, Chi Wei Mok, Pei Ting Tan, S S Sudhakar, CM Seah, Wai Peng Lee, Su Ming Tan

Tattoo pigment in axillary lymph nodes mimics occult breast malignancy: a case report. Ann Breast Surg 4:11 (2020)
Wai Peng Lee, Spoorthi Sudhakar Shetty, Victor Weng Leong Ng, Su Ming Tan

Incidental mastocytosis in a lady with Cowden Syndrome: a case report. Ann Breast Surgery (2021)
Wai Peng Lee, Spoorthi Sudhakar Shetty, Jun Xian Hing, Chien Sheng Tan, Su Ming Tan

Impact of health talks on knowledge, attitudes and perception of breast cancer screening and treatment amongst healthcare staff by a Breast Surgical Unit in a Public Healthcare Institution – a cross sectional study. BMC Women Health (2021)
Jun Xian Hing , Wai Peng Lee, Yen Nee Sophia Chua, Pei Ting Tan, Chi Wei Mok, Spoorthi Shetty Sudhakar, Chin Mui Seah, Su-Ming Tan

“Scarless” excision of a nipple adenoma case report—a good aesthetic outcome after a circular nipple excision with purse-string closure technique. Ann Breast Surg (2021)
Jun Xian Hing, Jonah Kua, Wai Peng Lee.

Does concomitant DCIS affect the clinical outcome in breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma: an Asian Perspective. Cancer Reports – pending decision of acceptance by the Journal (2021)
Wai Peng Lee, Spoorthi Shetty Sudhakar, Chin Mui Seah, Pei Ting Tan, Su-Ming Tan

Germline breast cancer susceptibility genes, tumor characteristics, and survival. Genome Med. 2;13(1):185 (2021)
Lee WP, Ho PJ, Khng AJ, Loh HW, Ho WK, Yip CH, Mohd-Taib NA, Tan VKM, Tan BK, Tan SM, Tan EY, Lim SH, Jamaris S, Sim Y, Wong FY, Ngeow J, Lim EH, Tai MC, Wijaya EA, Lee SC, Chan CW, Buhari SA, Chan PMY, Chen JJC, Seah JCM, Mok CW, Lim GH, Woo E, Kim SW, Lee JW, Lee MH, Park SK, Dunning AM, Easton DF, Schmidt MK, Teo SH, Li J, Hartman M.

Cohort profile: The Singapore Breast Cancer Cohort (SGBCC), a multi-center breast cancer cohort for evaluation of phenotypic risk factors and genetic markers. PLoS One. 26;16(4):e0250102. (2021)
Lee WP, Ho PJ, Yeoh YS, Miao H, Lim SH, Tan EY, Tan BKT, Tan VKM, Tan SM, Yong WS, Wong FY, Madhukumar P, Chan CW, Iau PTC, Lee SC, Putti T, Buhari SA, Lee JY, Lim GH, Woo E, Yan Z, Chan PMY, Chen JJC, Lu SQ, Dent R, Mok CW, Seah JCM, Sim X, van Dam RM, Chia KS, Li J, Hartman M.