We Come Together For You

Solis was founded with a belief that we can do better. We live and breathe breast care, and we exist for our patients. That is why we have taken on the responsibility of bringing together surgeons and specialists in breast care, and integrating our services and facilities. That is how we are able to provide you with the expert care you need and deserve – in the most seamless way possible. Because with Solis, you know you will always be in good hands.

Guiding You
With Expertise

We bring together leading surgeons who have their own specialities within the field of breast surgery. Working hand in hand, they bring you the full spectrum of expertise and experience.


Caring for you with compassion

Breast cancer can be an emotionally distressing disease. We understand how far-reaching the impacts can be. That is why we are here to provide you with the best possible care on your unique journey to recovery.


The Partners You Can Always Trust

With Solis, you are in good hands. We combine an evidence-based approach with empathy and compassion to create tailor-made treatment plans. You are our only priority and we are here for you.

Commitment to Quality

We are dedicated to delivering quality patient care. These quality indicators are a testament to our commitment to providing a seamless experience and minimising wait times through our integrated services.
